When to seek therapy for your child

Diksha surana
December 23, 2024

Sign 1: Sudden or drastic changes in behavior:

Have you noticed sudden or drastic changes in your child’s behavior? Maybe they’re withdrawing from loved ones, no longer enjoying activities they once loved, or becoming more hostile. You might wonder, “Is this normal, or is there something deeper going on?” It’s tough to gauge sometimes, but significant changes in behavior can be a sign that your child could benefit from therapy. These shifts might stem from trauma, bereavement, anxiety, depression, or conditions like ADHD. Therapy can be a safe space for your child to process these feelings and develop strategies to cope.

Sign 2: Persistent sadness or anxiety:

What about persistent sadness or anxiety? Sure, everyone feels down or worried sometimes, and kids are no exception. But if your child frequently cries, feels overwhelmingly anxious, or avoids specific situations altogether, it might be more than just a phase. Left unaddressed, ongoing sorrow or anxiety can interfere with their friendships, school life, and even lead to harmful coping mechanisms. Play therapy or cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) could provide a way forward, equipping your child with the emotional tools they need.

Sign 3: Difficulty with School and Academic Performance:

While school may be a difficult place for many kids, if your child is having trouble focusing or finishing assignments, is complaining about school a lot, or is seeing dropping grades, it might be time to think about therapy.

Academic difficulties can be caused by social difficulties, worry or stress, and learning problems. By determining the underlying reasons for these problems, therapy might be beneficial. Along with providing useful coping and problem-solving techniques, it can aid in boosting self-esteem and confidence.

Sign 4: Changes in Sleep Patterns or Eating Habits:

Have you noticed unusual changes in sleep patterns or eating habits? Maybe your child is struggling with insomnia, sleeping too much, or you’ve seen unexpected weight fluctuations

Depression, anxiety, eating problems, or sleep issues could be the cause of these alterations. By addressing the emotional causes of these changes, establishing healthy routines and behaviors, and, when necessary, incorporating family support, therapy can be beneficial.

Sign 5: Social Withdrawal or Difficulty with Peer Relationships:

One of the harder things to see as a parent might be social withdrawal or trouble with friends. If your child prefers to eat lunch alone, avoids social activities, or resists leaving the house, they may need extra support. Events like trauma, social anxiety, or being on the autism spectrum could be at play. Therapy here isn’t just about diagnosis; it’s about teaching your child how to connect better with others and feel more confident in social settings.

Sign 6: Clinginess:

Anxiety may be indicated by clinginess. According to Dr. Yip, clinginess occurs when a child lacks the self-assurance or fortitude to cope with being alone themselves. A youngster will gain self-confidence—the belief that “I can do it” and “I can figure it out!”—with the assistance of a clinician. It takes this mindset to build confidence and resilience.

Sign 7: Talking about self harm: 

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, you should get your child help immediately if they show any signs of self-harm. This can occasionally show up gradually as feelings of loneliness and pessimism. Sometimes, though, it is considerably more overt and can be recognized by the prevalence of cutting and suicidal ideation.

It’s crucial to remember that feelings of self-harm can manifest in a variety of ways, even though cutting and suicide ideas may seem extreme for younger kids. Young children who hit themselves, pound their skull against something, or dig their nails into their flesh are all exhibiting indicators of self-harm. If you are noticing any self harm behaviors, take note of them and get help for your child right away. 

What Parents Should Know:

The therapist will initially meet with you and your child to discuss the situation. They’ll listen and ask questions. This aids in their understanding of the issue and your child. Your therapist will explain how they can assist you.

Your youngster will then attend more therapy sessions. During these appointments, your child may:

  • Talk: Emotions can be expressed in a healthy way by talking. Children can perform their best when they express their emotions through words rather than deeds. Children are better prepared to learn when they feel heard and understood.
  • Do Activities: Activities are used by therapists to educate coping mechanisms and emotions. To help children learn, they might have them play or sketch. They might offer stress-reduction techniques like mindfulness and deep breathing.
  • Practice New Skills: Therapists assist children in applying what they have learned. Children may play games that require them to wait their turn, exercise self-control, be patient, listen, follow instructions, share, try again, or cope with failure.
  • Solve Problems: Therapists ask older children and teenagers how issues impact them at home and at school. They discuss solutions to these issues.

What Parents Should do:

There are things you can do to maximize the benefits of treatment for your child. Here are a few of them:

  • Choose a therapist with whom you and your child are at ease. You can find someone with the assistance of your child’s medical team.
  • Attend all of the appointments with your child. It takes time for change to occur. Your youngster needs numerous therapy sessions to acquire and maintain new abilities.
  • See the therapist for your child. Find out what to do if your youngster exhibits difficulties at home. Find out how you can support your child’s success.
  • Spend time with your youngster. Together, read, laugh, cook, or play. Even if it’s just for a few minutes each day, do this.
  • Be a loving and patient parent. Even if you have to correct your child, use gentle language. Be affectionate. When your child is making an effort or performing well, give them praise.


Supporting your child’s mental and emotional well-being is one of the most important things you can do as a parent. Remember that asking for help doesn’t mean you’ve failed; it means you’re stepping up to give your child the best possible tools for a happy, healthy future. Therapy can be a transformative resource, providing your child with the support and skills they need. By staying involved, patient, and attentive, you become your child’s greatest advocate on their journey to emotional wellness.

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